In 2018, 2.3 million students used the remote learning platform to prepare for the SAT, which is about the same number of people as the population of Botswana.

But from my point of view, this is the College Board making sure it’s not about money” (Alter, 2014). “If the test-prep companies think they can add value, I’m sure they’ll try. “If you’re going to charge someone for something, you have to show them value for it,” Khan said in an interview. Salman Khan provides free SAT test preparation courses to students who cannot afford a tutor. Even though Khan didn’t have a specific plan, he was still able to help children who needed it. Therefore, what started off as a test, turned into one of the biggest educational sites in the world. These videos eventually turned into Khan Academy, to which by 2009, he gave his full devotion.

“I got over the idea that it wasn’t my idea and decided to give it a try” (Adams, 2013). While he was skeptical and he thought, “YouTube? YouTube was for cats playing the piano, not serious mathematics” (Adams, 2013). When one of his friends heard of this, they recommended posting videos on YouTube so that he could help not just his cousin, but other people as well. He used a very simple platform, Doodle Notepad, powered by Yahoo. In 2004, after he earned degrees from MIT and Harvard, he worked as an investment analyst, and at the same time started tutoring remotely his cousin who was struggling in mathematics. Salman Khan is of Bengali ancestry he was born on October 11, 1976, in Metairie, Louisiana. He needs more recognition for his actions, but what are the heroic things that he has done, and who was he before he started Khan Academy? He is someone who helps children every day but doesn’t get enough attention for his heroic deeds. Khan has been especially active in providing free SAT preparation courses to thousands of graduating seniors, and most recently, has provided tutoring to children who have lost their way through the pandemic with remote learning. He is the most unsung activist a real-life hero who fights every day for millions of children to rightfully have a better education. However, few of us know Salman Khan, the founder, and CEO of the educational online platform.